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Optimal experience is something we make happen.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

What is Flow
and Why Does it Matter?

Excellence  Self Confidence & Control
Enjoyment  Purpose  Meaning


Flow commands our total attention, stretches us to our limits, helps us make order from chaos, energizes us for excellence, and expands our power to defeat anxiety, boredom, and conformity. 


Advancing the Practical Positive Psychology of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

BACK IN THE 1950s, when Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi was 16 and traveling in Switzerland (but with no money to enjoy skiing or even go to a movie), he heard about a free lecture in Zurich. The lecture was on the topic of flying saucers.


Take the Quiz
Assess the Quality of
Your Experience

Start assessing your experience in the domains of life that matter most to you. Do you want to build more meaningful relationships? Optimize your learning? Your work? Your leisure time? Your leadership? Get started so you can figure out what to make your next optimal experience mission.

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© Karolina Peciu

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